Search result for eco warriors
Eco Warriors *March 2024* Young Planet Protectors!
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesdays 11am from 27th Feb. The deadline for live sessions has now passed. If you sign up NOW it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Eco Warriors *Jan 2024* Use Less Plastic - Make Your Own!
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 11am from 9th January (please click on the Zoom link in section 1 of the dashboard after purchasing if you'd like to join in live). Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Eco Warriors *Nov 2023* Plastics
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday at 11am from 7th November. The deadline has now passed. If you sign up now it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Eco Warriors *Sept 2023* Thinking About Waste
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday at 11am from 12th September The deadline has now passed. If you sign up now it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you Please scroll down for more information of the content.