Search result for spanish 11+
Spanish 11+ *March 2025* Mi Familia
CourseLive sessions are full, if you sign up now it will be for recordings only. The live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 4pm from 25th February. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *Jan 2025* El Cuerpo - The Body
CourseThe deadline for live spaces has now passed sorry you can still join in with recordings. The live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 4pm from 7th January. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *Nov 2024* La Ropa
CourseThe deadline to sign up for lives has passed- you can still sign up for recordings though :-) The live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 4pm from 5th November. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *Sept 2024* La Rutina Diaria - Daily Routine
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 4pm from 10th September however the deadline has now passed for lives so if you sign up now, it'll be for recordings. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *June 2024* Las Vacaciones - Future Tense.
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesdays 4pm from 11th June. LIVE sessions are now fully booked. If you are signing up NOW, it will be for recordings only. Thank you. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *April 2024* Tapas y Bebidas
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesdays at 4pm from 23rd April. The deadline for live sessions has now passed if you sign up now, it will be for recordings. Thank you. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *March 2024* Tiempo Libre - Free Time.
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 4pm from 27th Feb. Live Sessions are now full, if you sign up NOW, it will be for RECORDINGS only, but you can add your details to the waiting list using the form provided.
Spanish 11+ *Jan 2024* En Casa
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesday 4pm from 9th January (please click on the Zoom link in section 1 of the dashboard after purchasing if you'd like to join in live). Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ *Nov 2023* En el pueblo.
CourseLive sessions are held on Tuesdays at 4pm from 7th November. Live sessions are now full. If you sign up NOW, it will be for recordings only. Thank you. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ Block 3 *Sept 2023* ¿Quién soy?
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesdays at 4pm from 12th September The deadline has now passed If you sign up now it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ Block 2 *June 2023* Las Vacaciones - Holidays!
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesdays at 4pm from 13th June. However, the deadline for live sessions has now passed, so if you are booking now, it will be for RECORDINGS only. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Spanish 11+ Block 1 *April 2023*
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Tuesdays at 4pm. However, the deadline for lives has now passed, so if you are booking now, it will be for RECORDINGS only. Please scroll down for more information of the content.