Course curriculum

    1. Resources for session 1

    2. Session 1 recording

    1. Resources for week 2

    2. Session 2 recording

    1. Resources for week 3

    2. Session 3 recording

    1. Resources for week 4

    2. Session 4 Recording

    3. Principles of Design

    1. Resources for week 5

    2. Session 5 recording

    1. Here is the link for the next block

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Lydia, 5 sessions
  • Age: 11+
  • Description: The Elements of Art - This block we'll investigate the elements of art - line, texture, shape, value, space, form and colour - and use our new found knowledge of these to produce some beautiful artwork. We'll also look at some artists along the way and consider how we can take (or leave) inspiration from their work to further enhance our own work. IMPORTANT: For live sessions, use the link in your zoom email For recordings and resources, please sign in to the website to access