Course curriculum

    1. Session 1 recording

    2. PowerPoint

    1. Session 2 recording

    2. PowerPoint

    1. Session 3 recording

    2. PowerPoint

    1. Session 4 recording

    2. PowerPoint

    1. Session 5 recording

    2. PowerPoint

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Diane, 5 sessions
  • Age: approx 14-16, KS4
  • Description: This is a standalone block and can be completed at any time during Year 1 or Year 2 of the Pearson Edexcel IGCSE English Language course. For this IGCSE, students are required to demonstrate skills in both reading and writing. This block focuses on the requirements for the writing section for both papers, which will include transactional and creative writing. The introduction focuses on the Assessment Objectives for writing and the mark schemes for both papers. Students will learn about the expectations of the examiner and how to meet these. For transactional writing, we will explore the text types and purpose, audience and format. For creative writing, we will explore audience and purpose but rather than format, we will look at tone and register. We will look at a range of past paper questions, how to plan a response and how to develop the plan into a response that will engage the examiner. Opportunities will be given for students to complete tasks during the sessions and to consider an exemplar response. Copies of all past paper questions for both Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be provided to enable students to carry out independent practice. L/O: To understand how to produce a response for an IGCSE paper which meets the Assessment Objectives set by the exam board.