Course curriculum

    1. Important. Please Read Before Booking Exams

    1. Resources for week 1

    2. Session 1 Recording

    1. Resources for week 2

    2. Session 2 recording

    1. Resources for week 3

    2. Session 3 recording

    1. Resources for week 4

    2. Session 4 Recording

    1. You will need

    2. Session 5 recording

About this course

  • £24.00
  • Tutor: Lily, 6 double sessions
  • Age: approx 14-16
  • Description: Conflict and Tension between East and West 1945-1972. GCSE History is an engaging and challenging subject that is both interesting and useful for building skills such as: analysis, evaluation and written communication. We are currently studying the Cold War, looking at the conflict and tension between the USA and USSR from 1945-1972. In this block we will conclude our study into the origins of the Cold War - how and why tension developed between the two superpowers. We will go on to enquiries focused on how the Cold War escalated and developed through the arms race, space race and proxy wars. We will focus on particular Cold War crises such as the Hungarian Uprising, Berlin Wall and Cuban Missile Crisis, and consider what they can reveal about the relationship between the USA and USSR. L/O: LO1: To explain the origins of the Cold War. LO2: To evaluate how the Cold War developed after 1949. LO3: To analyse how Cold War crises in the 1950s and early 1960s increased Cold War tension. LO4: To make judgements about which superpower was most responsible for the development of the Cold War in the 1950s and early 1960s. IMPORTANT: For live sessions, use the link in your zoom email For recordings and resources, please sign in to the website to access