Course curriculum

    1. Important. Please Read Before Booking Exams

    1. Resources for lesson 1

    2. Session 1 recording

    1. Resources for lesson 2 and Homework

    2. Session 2 recording

    1. Resources for lesson 3 and Homework

    2. Session 3 recording

    1. Resources for lesson 4 and Homework

    2. Session 4 recording

    1. Resources for lesson 5 and Homework

    2. Session 5 recording

About this course

  • £24.00
  • Tutor: Lily, 6 double sessions (approx 12 hours)
  • Age: Approx 14-16
  • Description: Elizabethan England, c1568-1603. GCSE History is an engaging and challenging subject that is both interesting and useful for building skills such as: analysis, evaluation and written communication. We continue the second year of our course this block with the study of Elizabeth I's rule. We will introduce Mary Queen of Scots, Elizabeth's cousin, and explore the threat that she posed the Queen, both due to her birthright and claim to the throne, and her strict Catholic beliefs. We will study the numerous 'plots' against Elizabeth, that each had the aim of placing Mary Queen of Scots on the throne at their centre. We will move on to study England's changing relationship and growing conflict with Spain, culminating in the infamous Spanish Armada. Lastly, we will consolidate our knowledge of this topic and develop our written skills by practicing some exam style questions. L/O: LO1: To explain the threat that Mary Queen of Scots posed to Elizabeth I. LO2: To analyse the various plots against Elizabeth - the motives and details of each plot and the causes of their failures. LO3: To describe the changing relationship between England and Spain and growing conflict. LO4: To explain the events of the Spanish Armada and evaluate the reasons for Spain's defeat and England's victory. LO5: To consolidate our learning and communication of this topic by practicing a range of exam style questions. IMPORTANT: For live sessions, use the link in your zoom email For recordings and resources, please sign in to the website to access