Course curriculum

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 1 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 2 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 3 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 4 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 5 recording

    1. Link

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Hannah S, 5 sessions
  • Age: approx 5-7
  • Description: Inca Adventures. In this block, we will be journeying through the ancient wonders of the Inca Empire! In Week One, we’ll be uncovering the mysteries of this mighty civilization, crafting headdresses as colourful as their culture. In Week Two, we’ll set off to explore the legendary Machu Picchu, embarking on a virtual exploration of this wonder of the world. In Week Three, we’ll be doing some mind-bending mathematics and cracking secret codes. We’ll ty our hand at creating our own Quipu messages. In Week Four, we’ll be learning all about farming like the Incas and find out about the food that they ate. We’ll cook up some history making our own Incan dish. Finally, in Week Five, we’ll discover Inca traditions through captivating storytelling and get creative by crafting our own Inca-inspired stories and drawings! L/O: Learning Objectives for the Inca Empire Zoom Sessions (5-7 year olds): Cultural Awareness: Understand the significance of the Inca Empire and its impact on history and culture. Create an Inca-inspired headdress to appreciate and symbolize aspects of Inca culture. Historical Exploration: Investigate the history of Machu Picchu and its role in Inca civilization. Craft a mini Machu Picchu to visually understand its architectural marvels. Mathematical Understanding: Explore the Inca numerical system and its use of the Quipu. Craft a simplified Quipu to grasp basic counting and recording concepts. Agricultural Appreciation: Discover Inca farming techniques, especially terraced agriculture. Cultural Creativity and Storytelling: Learn about Inca traditions, including festivals and oral storytelling. Develop creative storytelling skills by crafting an Inca-themed story or drawing to share with others. IMPORTANT: For live sessions, use the link in your zoom email For recordings and resources, please sign in to the website to access