Course curriculum

    1. Resources for lesson 1

    2. Session 1 recording

    1. Resources for lesson 2 and PowerPoint

    2. Session 2 recording

    1. Resource for lesson 3 and PowerPoint

    2. Session 3 Recording

    1. Resource for lesson 4 and PowerPoint

    2. Session 4 Recording

    1. Resources for lesson 5 and PowerPoint

    2. Session 5 Recording

    1. Session 6 Pre-recorded

    2. Powerpoint for lesson 6

About this course

  • £12.00
  • Tutor: Carrie Ann (6 lessons)
  • Age: 14-16, KS4, Yrs 10-11
  • Description: "P2 Electricity focusses on: - Current - Potential difference - Electromotive force - Resistance - Electrical energy" Learning objectives: "- State that current is related to the flow of charge. - State that current in metals is due to a flow of electrons. - Show understanding that a current is a rate of flow of charge and recall and use the equation I = Q/t. - Use and describe the use of an ammeter, both analogue and digital. - State that the e.m.f. of an electrical source of energy is measured in volts. - Show understanding that e.m.f. is defined in terms of energy supplied by a source in driving charge round a complete circuit. - State that the potential difference (p.d.) across a circuit component is measured in volts - Use and describe the use of a voltmeter, both analogue and digital. - State that resistance =p.d./current and understandqualitatively how changes in p.d. or resistance affect current. - Recall and use the equation R = V / I. - Sketch and explain the current-voltage characteristic of an ohmic resistor and a filament lamp. - Recall and use quantitatively the proportionality between resistance and length, and the inverse proportionality between resistance and cross-sectional area of a wire. - Demonstrate understanding of current, potential difference, e.m.f. and resistance. - Recall and use the equations P= IV and E = IVt. "