Course curriculum

    1. Resources for lesson 1

    2. Session 1 recording

    1. Resources for lesson 2

    2. Session 2 recording

    3. Extra downloads from this lesson

    1. Resources for lesson 3

    2. Session 3 recording

    3. Link used in class

    1. Resources for lesson 4

    2. Session 4 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 5 recording

    3. Weblinks from lesson

    1. Link for Next Block:

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Sarah, 5 sessions
  • Age: Approx 7-11, KS2
  • Description: The Ancient Maya. A fun and engaging class where you will delve into the depths of the Ancient Maya through the use of videos, website, artefacts and more. As always, this block will include lots of interactive elements within the lessons, including Kahoot quizzes, live recipes and crafts. L/O: Who were the Ancient Maya? Where did they live and at what point in history? What was daily life like for the Mayans, including their jobs, beliefs and homes. Learn about Mayan gods and how they believed the Earth was created. What evidence do we have which has helped us learn about this incredible civilization? Study Ancient Mayan art, architecture, literature and number systems. Lots to pack in as always! IMPORTANT: For live sessions, use the link in your zoom email For recordings and resources, please sign in to the website to access