Course curriculum

    1. Updated Kahoot links (Jan 2024)

    1. Live

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 1 recording

    3. Links from lesson

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 2 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 3 recording

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 4 recording

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Sarah, 5 sessions
  • Age: Approx 7+
  • Description: The second part of a double-block all about Ancient Rome. (Don't worry- you don't need to have completed Part 1 to join in, although this is available as recordings if you would like to catch up!) A fun and engaging class where you will delve into the depths of Ancient Rome through the use of videos, website, artefacts and more. As always, this block will include lots of interactive elements within the lessons, including Kahoot quizzes and crafts. Learning objectives: This block we will be learning all about the Roman army and its conquests across the Empire. We will be looking more closely at various Roman emperors including Julius Caeser himself! There will be a greater focus specifically on Roman Britain: what was life like before the Romans invaded, how did warrior queen Boudicca attempt to fight off the invading Roman army, and how did the Romans change life in Britain. This will including building our own (hopefully waterproof!) aqueducts! Finally, we will learn all about the tragedy at Mount Vesuvius, look at Roman numerals, the alphabet and Roman art. LOTS to fit in!