Course curriculum

    1. Session 2

    1. Session 3

    1. Session 4

    1. Session 5

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Carla, 5 sessions
  • Age:
  • Description: During this block, we will explore the financial choices that we make in our lives. We will learn about the Bank of England and how they affect interest rates as well as exploring what influences their decisions. We will think about the financial decisions that we make at different stages in our lives including buying goods/services, selecting utilities services, mortgages/rent, savings and pensions. We will also explore where we can access debt advice and the impact debt can have on our well-being. 1. To understand interest rates, mortgages and utility services. 2. To explore how our financial decisions change over our life span. 3. To examine the impact of debt, how it can be avoided and where to access help if you do experience a period of debt.