Course curriculum

    1. Session 1 recording

    2. Quiz link

    1. Session 2 recording

    2. Quiz link

    1. What you'll need

    2. Session 3 recording

    3. Quiz link

    1. Session 4 recording

    2. Quiz link

    1. Link

About this course

  • £10.00
  • Tutor: Stacey, 5 sessions
  • Age: approx 9-11
  • Description: Let's Write Letters. Join me for this exciting writing block where we will learn about different letter types. We will unpick various letter styles and their features, learning how to write both formal and informal letters and the features of each choosing the correct tone of voice and register for our purpose and audience. Looking at a variety of letters, we will compare the effectiveness of letters with the same purpose – Which is more persuasive and why? We will write our own letters of persuasion, complaint, apology and protest with a twist as we will be using letters from well-known characters/ books to inspire us when writing our own: A persuasive letter from the BFG to Queen Elizabeth and another from Sophie to the Queen. A letter of complaint from the Basilisk to Professor Dumbledore. Informal letters from the book ‘The Day the crayons quit’ and Duncan’s letter of apology. An imaginative/ creative letter to our DEAR Earth inspired by the book Dear Earth by Isabel Otter. L/O: To be able to write for different audiences and purposes To be able to choose specific language features and grammar to suit the form of writing To be able to edit - correct and perfect our writing IMPORTANT: For live sessions, use the link in your zoom email For recordings and resources, please sign in to the website to access