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IGCSE/GCSE Info Library
Statistics GCSE Block 5 *April 2024* Revision With Past Paper Practice
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Mon 4pm & Tues 1pm from 22nd April. The deadline for live sessions has now passed if you sign up now, it will be for recordings. Thank you. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Statistics GCSE Block 4 *March 2024* Revision
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Mon 4pm & Tues 1pm from 26th Feb. The deadline for live sessions has now passed. If you sign up NOW it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Statistics GCSE Block 3 *Jan 2024*
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Mon 4pm & Tue 1pm from 8th Jan (please click on the Zoom link in section 1 of the dashboard after purchasing if you'd like to join in live). Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Statistics GCSE Block 2 *Nov 2023* Unit 3 Summarising Data Unit 4 Scatter diagrams & Correlation
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Mon 4pm and Tue 1pm from 6th Nov. The deadline has now passed. If you sign up now it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Maths IGCSE 2025 Cohort Block 2 *Nov 2023* Geometry 1 & Statistics 1.
CourseThese are recordings of previous live sessions. Please scroll down for more information of the content.
Statistics GCSE Block 1 *Sept 2023*
CourseThe live sessions for this class are held on Mon 4pm & Tues 1pm from 11th Sept. The deadline has now passed. If you sign up now it will be for RECORDINGS only. Thank you. Please scroll down for more information of the content.