English Shakespeare - Merchant of Venice (April 2022)
CourseWelcome to Venice where Antonio, the rich merchant, has a close relationship with his best friend Bassanio. So when Bassanio falls in love with the beautiful Portia, Antonio will risk his wealth to help his friend..
Coding- Beginners (April 2022) Using Scratch
CourseBack to basics and a repeat of the first block of 'Coding for Beginners' in Scratch. Participants will need to create a free account in Scratch (using an anonymous name) and have two screens available for sessions; one device/screen to open Scratch.
Ecology (April 2022)
CourseStudying the environment to help us understand how organisms live with each other in unique physical environments.
Early Maths- Space Shape + Measures (April 2022)
CourseWe will be exploring all things shape during this block, focussing on 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be using language such as largest, smallest etc and some preposition work too!
Geography 8+ Our Beautiful Planet (April 2022)
CourseOver the 5 weeks we will be exploring: Everest The Nile and The Amazon Rivers Famous World Landmarks British Isles Continents and oceans
Ethics & Philosophy (April 2022)
CourseFor those who like to question, discuss and don't expect to necessarily find the answer! This block will act as a foundation to explore the varying religious / non-religious beliefs towards a range of moral & ethical dilemmas and 'big' questions.
French Beginners 7 + (April 2022)
CourseI Can... In this block we will learn verbs for common activities and say that we can do them. Any older children wishing to stay on this slower more playful pathway are very welcome.
French Improvers 10+ Block 1 -Weather(April 2022)
CourseBeginners' French for older children wanting to move more quickly and tackle more complex grammatical structures, or those with with about 1 years experience. We will still play games but also do more reading and writing in French.
Cookery 11+ (April 2022)
CourseThe Theme This Block will be 'Around The World in 5Bakes' 1. Chilli Taco Bowl 2. Spicy Chorizo Shakshuka 3. Veggie Burgers 4. Australian Crunch Cake 5. Chocolate Whoopie Pie
GCSE (KS4) Maths with Mr Harris (April 2022)
CourseIn preparation for GCSE Higher Tier, we need a range of skills now. What better way in the run up to look at past paper questions. Students will be given a past paper to work through a week prior to the session.
Number Ninjas ( Maths ) 8+ *April 2022*
CourseIn this block we will explore the area and perimeter of different shapes, where we use area and perimeter in real life, and each lesson will include a game, problem to solve or challenge to apply our learning in an enjoyable way!
Year 3/4 Maths (April 2022)
CourseYou know what, maths is fun! Fun and games, using a range of maths skills we will look at maths puzzles and games that use all of our mathematical genius and skills!
Year 5/6 English- Text Investigators (April 2022)
CourseBecome a text investigator in our next block of English lessons. We will look at various texts both fictional and non-fiction and look at text and grammatical features.
Learning through Nature- Birds (April 2022)
CourseJoin Amanda as you discover the different birds of the world.
KS3 Maths with Mr Harris (April 2022) Art in Maths
CourseYou would be forgiven for not realising, but Mathematics has inspired some of the most beautiful artwork and imagery in the world. We'll study a range of topics with the central theme of beauty and art. From Fibonacci to Tessellation, Esher to Pers..